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Charming Magic Balm See Pheung Sanaeh Lin Tong Accelerates Your Life Using The Purest Magical Subjects For Attractiveness & Charm Aura

Charming Magic Balm See Pheung Sanaeh Lin Tong Accelerates Your Life Using The Purest Magical Subjects For Attractiveness & Charm Aura

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See Pheung Sanaeh Lin Tong In Koo Huea Chuea Ya Surasawadee Wan Gai Daeng 2 Takrut & Met Maglam - Luang Phu Na

See Pheung In Koo Prai Deva statuette bound with red 'Daay Daeng Akom' spellbound cords, and immersed in a dark red Magic Metta Balm Potion, with Twin Takrut, and a Sacred 'Met Maglam Pha Dta Noo' berry inserted. The Met Maglam Pha, is a rare sacred bean that is red in colour with a black tip, and found in the wild forest, which grows on a vine. Its English name is 'Buddhist Rosary Bean' (amongst other names), and is considered to have Magical Properties.

The See Pheung Potion was ritually boiled in a magic cauldron with incantations, using a mixture of Hua Chuea Nam Man Prai with Ya Surasawadee Muan Sarn Sacred Powders, which Luang Phu Na had collected many years ago in Burma, and had kept for this occasion of making the See Pheung Potion.

The Nam Man Prai and Ya Surasawadee were then mixed with Paya Wan Gai Daeng Red Cockerel Herb, and boiled into the potion. Then the Potion was put into the containers and Luang Phu Na inserted the In Koo Deva statuettes, which had been previously empowered with the invocations of the In Koo, and two Takrut spells with the heart Mantra of In Koo and the Hua Jai Heart Mantra spells for Maha Sanaeh, Maha Lap, Maha Pokasap, and Metta Maha Niyom were invoked.

The Invocation Summoning, Awakening and Turning of the Four Elements was performed to Reanimate Living Magic within the Static Form of the In Koo, according to the Ancient Grimoires and Magical Formulas of the Wicha. Finally the Met Maglam Pha was inserted with special Invocations of Seductive Maha Sanaeh Sorcery, to empower the potion with its very special Magic, which is particular to this magical vine bean.

Luang Phu Na Chinawangso empowered using the Wicha In Koo Plord Rak Maha Sanaeh, which is one of the most popular Wicha for Love Charms, and those who wish to strengthen existing Love Affairs or get their Lovers, Husbands and Wives to return to them.

The Wicha In Koo ia a very old Wicha for Maha Sanaeh, Metta Mahaniyom, Kaa Khaay, Maha Pokasap and Maha Lap Magic, which is as popular today as it was in ancient times with the Lanna Folk, and indeed around the world with Devotees of Maha sanaeh magic. The In Koo is an Animist Charm that was used in Olden days by the Lanna Folk of the Northern Mountanous Regions, as a love binding spell, and for good commerce.

The In Koo (also known in South East Asia as ‘Yin Tong’) is a symbiotic Deity in the form of a Man and a Woman embracing each other. It is a magical animist effigy which ancient people believed represents the first ever pair of Man and Woman (male and female) in the History of the World, and is a symbol of Love between 2 persons.

It is believed that the holder of an In Koo Talisman is endowed with Maha Sanaeh power over the other sex, and that they will feel attracted to the wearer of the In Koo, and wish to approach and get to know you. If they approach then they will be helpless against the attraction power of the Palad In Koo. This is the Love Charm Magic of Maha Sanaeh (Charm and Attraction).

If the In Koo is kept in the House, then all the family and people in the household will love each other and be happy together. If it is worn as a love charm or carried on ones person, then it will cause everyone the wearer meets to feel friendly and compassionate towards them, and even make others fall in love with the wearer if Bucha is made to the In Koo, and this request is asked for in exchange for Bucha. Business will flourish, money and gifts will flow in, good fortune will come, and life without disturbances. The In Koo is a sacred Love and Metta Maha Sanaeh Talisman which has been used by ancient folk for thousands of years, and shows no sign of disappearing soon, for its popularity as a love charm is still as evident as it ever was.

For Choke Lap wealth increase, place the In Koo inside a money bowl or savings box. Before you put or remove any money from the box, you must tap or knock on the side of the container with the same hand you shall be using to remove or place money in the box with. Chant the Kata 7 times before putting your hand inside the container. It is said that if you do this regularly, that money will never cease to flow. Those who perform this well will find time to sit and meditate and chant the Kata whilst tapping on the container. About 5 minutes each time is enough.

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